The legs of iron and the feet of iron and clay represent Rome. This cannot be proven by citing references in the Bible, but there is no way for it to be anything else because history proves Rome is the fourth kingdom. In the text, iron is used fourteen times and the iron legions of Rome have been vaunted for centuries. Rome possessed superior iron-forging technology and she ruled the Mediterranean world with an iron fist. Rome was iron.
Daniel describes this future coalition as a mixture of iron and clay. Iron represents the strength of Rome, but the clay represents the will of the people. This coalition of European nations consolidates different backgrounds, different languages, and different traditions. It is like a mixture of iron and clay, which does not truly integrate. You cannot mix iron and clay. The two substances remain distinct, no matter how much they are manipulated. This mixture represents an outward structure that brings people together out of their own economic fears without unifying their underlying identity.
one nation under the iron fist of god rar
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This consolidation of world power is historic in its proportions. Since the time of the Roman Empire, there has been no world-governing nation or empire. No nation has been able to achieve or attain world dominance. Napoleon tried. Hitler tried. Stalin tried. They all failed. There will be a short period of time in the future, however, when the world will be unified under one man.
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, commonly known as the Soviet Union or USSR, is a transcontinental country that spanned much of Eurasia and a Communist, found in December 30, 1922. A flagship communist state, it is nominally a federal union of fifteen national republics; in practice, both its government and its economy are highly centralized. Sometime around the 1930s to the 1940s, it launched a war of invasion against the countries of Europe under its dictator, Joseph Stalin, forcing them to band together under the Allied Forces and starting a long history of war between the two powers.
Prior to the Third World War, the USSR began to closely affiliate itself with several nations. Cuba, being a Communist nation as well as its strategic location to the United States, was a natural choice. Libya and Iraq also became closely affiliated, for various reasons. Other socialist nations around the world banded together under the leadership of the USSR as the World Socialist Alliance.
For more than a generation, social scientists have tended to agree that most, if not all, preindustrial societies were despotic, led by rulers who dominated with an iron fist and controlled wealth centrally. This view was applied to ancient societies around the world, including Mesoamerican civilizations like the Aztec and Maya.
At this point the only major nations still under the gold standard with major gold reserves were the US and France. In the US, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt instituted a number of measures in an attempt to prevent the hoarding of gold including making banks turn all their gold holdings in to the Federal Reserve, not allowing them to redeem dollars for gold, and also prohibiting any exporting of gold. In 1934, the Gold Reserve Act was instituted, which prohibited the private ownership of gold. All gold was given to the government, which is where much of the gold a Fort Knox came from. This allowed the US to pay off its debts with dollars instead of gold. Eventually the US basically cornered the global market for gold.
Potential explanations for the inconsistent findings between the two main prospective studies include differences in geography, behaviors, and economics of the populations studied (92). Vitamin D levels in the Finnish population were much lower than in the US population, so it is possible vitamin D levels below a certain threshold are required to increase the risk of PD. In addition, diet and activity levels may differ between the populations, both of which are associated with vitamin D levels and PD risk (93). Given the differences in geography, environmental risk factors for PD may differ as well.
In a study by Peterson el al, 286 participants with PD underwent neuropsychiatric testing and serum vitamin D testing at baseline (44). Models were adjusted for age, disease duration and Hoehn and Yahr stage. In the non-demented cohort (n = 225), higher plasma vitamin D was associated with better scores on tests of verbal fluency and verbal memory. There was no significant association between cognitive testing and vitamin D level in the smaller (n = 61) demented subset (44). A second study by Gatto and colleagues assessed the role of VDR polymorphisms in cognitive decline in patients with PD (77). One hundred ninety PD patients in the Parkinson Environment Gene (PEG) study underwent the Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE) at baseline and up to three follow-up visits and were genotyped for seven VDR polymorphisms. The FokI polymorphism was associated with decline in the MMSE score over the follow-up period after accounting for age, sex, education, and PD disease duration. Participants with AA genotype experienced faster cognitive decline as measured by change in the MMSE. A subset of study participants underwent a battery of neuropsychiatric tests, and those with the AA genotype tended to perform lower on individual neuropsychiatric tests compared to those with the AG or GG genotype (77). The VDR protein that results from the A variant has less transcriptional activity compared to the G variant allele (76), suggesting that lower VDR activity contributes to cognitive decline.
Our political discussions within the United Front and other political forces which were yet to be part of the coalition were proceeding more slowly than our military advance, which reached the outskirts of the city of Debre Birhan, just 145 km from Addis Ababa. The prospect that we would march into the capital city caused panic mainly among the internationals and to some extent Ethiopians as well. We understand that fear. We also want those who are dismayed about the safety of the capital to understand the intolerable suffering and the threat of continuing genocide that the Tigrayan people are living under every day.
The Ethiopian state under Abiy Ahmed and his Amhara interlocutors is being used as a Trojan Horse for the unbridled and oversized ambition of Isaias Afewerki, who he himself is serving as an agent of the Middle Eastern countries. I would like to make one thing clear, if the resistance in Tigray is crushed by the combined forces of the Ethiopian federal government, Amhara forces, and their backers in the Middle East (Turkey, UAE, and Iran) the floodgates for Isaias to implement his blueprint will be open. The region of the Horn of Africa will be run as per the dictat of the Eritrean dictator. Is the international community, Africa and the region willing to live with the impending scenario? If the answer to the question posed is no, the time to act is now.
Our forces did not advance on Addis Ababa. In the last two weeks, the effects of swarms of drones on the TDF advanced positions and supply lines has been substantial. Personnel of Eritrean armored divisions are in daily combat within the ranks of the ENDF. Eritrean forces still occupy substantial parts of Tigray. In these circumstances, with long and vulnerable supply lines to our forces, and no effective international political process for a negotiated settlement, the Government of regional state of Tigray through the Central command decided to withdraw to defensive positions to consolidate our forces. A withdrawal under drone fire is a difficult military operation which we have accomplished successfully. We are undefeated.
Tigray must stand on its feet and must have cast iron guarantees that the genocidal assaults of the last year will never, ever happen again. We shall rely on ourselves, as we have shown we can do, but we also rely on Africa and the international community to ensure that we are not alone if we ever again face enemies determined to destroy us.
Eventually, this empire is predicted to be represented by 10 concurrent kingdoms (the 10 toes), which will endure only for a short time (iron and clay do not form a strong bond). At that time Christ will return to crush this empire, along with all other nations that fight against Him, and set up the Kingdom of God, which shall never be destroyed (
Note that the kingdom depicted by the 10 toes is still in the future: a union of 10 kingdoms that will hand its power to the beast of the book of Revelation for only a short time before crumbling, because iron does not bond well with clay. Today it appears that this final revival of the Roman Empire will emerge from nations currently in the European Union.
The infinite which is in man is at the mercy of a little piece of iron; such is the human condition; space and time are the cause of it. It is impossible to handle this piece of iron without suddenly reducing the infinite which is in man to a point on the pointed part, a point on the handle, at the cost of a harrowing pain. The whole being is stricken on the instant; there is no place left for God, even in the case of Christ, where the thought of God is no more at least than that of privation. This stage has to be reached if there is to be incarnation. The whole being becomes privation of God: how can we go beyond? After that there is only the resurrection. To reach this stage the cold touch of naked iron is necessary.
At the touch of the iron there must be a feeling of separation from God such as Christ experienced, otherwise it is another God. The martyrs did not feel that they were separated from God, but it was another God and it was perhaps better not to be a martyr. The God from whom the martyrs drew joy in torture or death is akin to the one who was officially adopted by the Empire and afterwards imposed by means of exterminations.
A man whose whole family had died under torture, and who had himself been tortured for a long time in a concentration camp; or a sixteenth-century Indian, the sole survivor after the total extermination of his people. Such men if they had previously believed in the mercy of God would either believe in it no longer, or else they would conceive of it quite differently from before. I have not been through such things. I know, however, that they exist; so what is the difference? 2ff7e9595c